Brits worry about a whole assortment of factors leading up to the date such as choosing the right attire to wear or if there will be a sufficient number of topics of interest to discuss to mask over any potential awkward silences.
However, a new survey by the makers of revolutionary mouthwash CB12 has found that indeed bad breath seems to be the biggest concern of single Brits before going on their date, with over half who answered the survey stating this is their main worry before the big night.
Perhaps this is an unsurprising reason provided as a concern when bearing in mind that the same survey found three quarters (75%) claim they would be deterred from going on a second date with somebody if they had bad breath (also known as halitosis).
Topping the list however for dating turn-offs was body odour (86%), followed by bad breath, whilst excessive sweating and bad teeth were both given as reasons for being turned-off by 58% of the respondents.
Therefore, to increase your chances of achieving a second date with somebody, it might be worthwhile making sure you are stocked up with plenty of anti-perspirant, toothpaste and neutralise any bad breath for up to 12 hours with CB12 mouthwash!
The survey also discovered that bad skin/spots (34%), over-doing make-up (30%), untidy-looking nails (29%) and too much facial hair (28%) also proved to be big turn-offs for people.
James Preece, a top UK dating expert said: “It’s completely natural for people to get pre-date nerves, especially on a first date when first impressions are so important. Bad breath is clearly causing a huge amount of angst amongst daters, yet thankfully there are products out there such as CB12 which can help. Confidence is key when it comes to dating as when people ooze confidence they appear more attractive to others – addressing pre-dates concerns boosts chances of having a fantastic date.”
The biggest pre-date worries, in order, were found to be:
. Bad breath
. Choice of outfit
. Looking fat
. Body odour
. Bad hair
. Food stuck in teeth
. Untidy/Ungroomed nails
. Make-up
James has provided 5 tips for unlucky-in-love serial daters to try and follow. They are:
1. Friday afternoon is the best time of the week to message when online dating. People are winding down at work, looking forward to the weekend and are looking for a distraction and possibly a date over the weekend.
2. If you want to attract and date a ’10,’ you’ve got to become a ’10′ yourself. This needs to be in every way – mentally & physically. So always dress to impress and never stop looking at ways to improve and enrich your life.
3. Mint can really enhance a kiss as the cooling sensation when air hits your mouth is a fantastic feeling. This can make it more memorable and give you more chance of getting another!
4. Kissing involves three senses at once – touch, taste and smell. So if you don’t have fresh breath you’ll spoil it for both of you. Before your date, make sure your breath is fresh by using a mouth rinse so you can be confident you’ll have fresh breath throughout your date and especially for your first kiss!
5. A smile shows empathy and showing your teeth is a primitive display that you are not a threat. So if a person gives someone a genuine warm smile it shows they are interested and comfortable talking to them. Studies have shown that teeth don’t need to be overly white to be considered attractive, just clean and natural looking. If you have bad teeth or bad breath then it suggests you are lazy and don’t care about your appearance, so definitely work on this if necessary.
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