Pfizer’s erectile dysfunction medication Viagra is amongst the most copied medicines in the world, but counterfeits of the ‘little blue pill’ have been found to contain some shocking ingredients lurking inside.
Fake Viagra pills are usually sent to Pfizer’s laboratory for analysis, and their experts have previously found a wide range of deadly chemicals such as blue printer ink, brick dust, floor wax and even rat poison. Maybe the most shocking of all was one infamous batch of pills being flogged in South Korea, partly made from the remains of human foetuses. Perhaps this will make people think twice before buying cheap knock-off erectile dysfunction drugs from illegal websites.
Taking the fight to the counterfeiters and their illegal websites, Medical Specialists™ Pharmacy are delighted to announce we now offer generic sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) for the staggering cheap price of just £1.35* a tablet! So cheap it is practically a giveaway and therefore there is no reason to look elsewhere and buy cheap dangerous pills from untrusted sources purely for their inexpensive price.
With the current dire financial climate and many people out of work, it is completely understandable that many of us wish to save money where we can, but this saved money can’t be taken to the grave with you after you have ingested counterfeit drugs and suffered a fatal reaction.
“I can buy Viagra cheap from my mate down the pub” or “Yes I’ve taken Viagra, I got Kamagra from my mate” are two things Medical Specialists™ often hear from men seeking our help with their impotence problems. Mates down the pub are not doctors, pharmacists, or will enquire about your medical history or what other medications you may be taking.
For instance, Nitrates (taken for angina) can actually react with Viagra and cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, leading to a heart attack. And for the record, bear in mind that Kamagra is not Viagra and is not licensed in the UK. Therefore it is illegal to buy it or be in possession of it.
In-house GMC-registered doctors are available at Medical Specialists™ to carefully review your consultation and suitability for not just ED treatments, but indeed any prescription-only medication. Your health and wellbeing are put first, unlike that mate down the pub who just wants to make a few quid regardless of if you might suffer with heart or brain damage.
The popular Bury-based pharmacy caters for thousands of patients all across the globe, and as such, does not want to see all these unsuspecting men parting with their cash for cheap, dangerous Viagra knock-offs because their budget will just not allow for the ‘genuine’ article – Pfizer’s Viagra or other genuine UK-made sildenafil-based medicines.
In fact when the UK patient expired last year for Viagra, Medical Specialists™ Pharmacy introduced other erectile dysfunction medications that contained sildenafil – for only fraction of the cost! This resulted in a surge in demand for these inexpensive medications that contained sildenafil.
Men suffering from impotence probably thought things couldn’t get any better for their wallet…think again!
There are actually currently 27 UK manufacturers licensed to manufacture sildenafil, including the more well-known Teva sildenafil and Actavis sildenafil, and patients with Medical Specialists™ can now benefit from further slashed prices of generic sildenafil! Yes, all patients old and new can obtain generic sildenafil at rock bottom prices, if they don’t mind which particular manufacturer they receive, but all are UK-produced and contain the exact same active ingredient.
At just £1.35* per tablet of generic sildenafil, this is without doubt a lot cheaper than both buying from your mates and attempting to smuggle counterfeits into the country and if caught, being hit with thousands of pounds in fines and even a prison sentence.
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