To show their support, the Manchester-based online pharmacy has previously given away literally 1,000 of condoms to all patients that sought their help with sexual health related problems such as requesting medications like Viagra for erectile dysfunction, Priligy for premature ejaculation, treating sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia with the antibiotic Azithromycin, or female patients wishing to obtain contraception like Yasmin or Dianette.
The week-long event is run annually by the FPA (Family Planning Association) throughout England, primarily aiming to boost public understanding about the numerous sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and increase the public’s knowledge regarding all aspects of good sexual health.
For those unfamiliar with the FPA, they are a sexual health charity that have been informing the general public for more than 80 years, offering advice about sex and relationships, and enabling people to make the right choices for them. In addition, the FPA try to boost people’s confidence enough to discuss issues that previously may have been looked at as embarrassing.
Each year, the FPA focus on a different theme, with last year’s Sexual Health Week being “Contraceptive choices: beyond the morning after”, looking to bust the common myths about emergency contraception. For Sexual Health Week 2014, the FPA conducted a survey involving more than 2,000 women throughout the UK to discover more about the myths that still exist with regards to emergency contraception and found that alarmingly, many women still are not using emergency contraception following unprotected sex or if their usual contraceptive method hasn’t worked.
This year, the chosen subject is sexual wellbeing and pleasure, focusing on five different themes associated with sexual pleasure and wellbeing:
- Education.
- Older people.
- Learning disabilities.
- Separating fantasy from reality.
- Communication skills.
The FPA will be using the themes as a platform to discuss the reasons why a lot of people – including some health professionals – find discussing the topic of sexual pleasure an embarrassing or shameful thing.
Those looking to support Sexual Health Week should continue to check the FPA website on a regular basis for new information and advice, in addition to joining the FPA and Medical Specialists® on Twitter; @FPACharityand @MSC_NEWS respectively, also using the hashtag #SexualHealthWeek2015 to see the latest news about the week.
Moreover, don’t forget that Medical Specialists® provide numerous products and treatments for all kinds of sexual health associated issues and problems.
For instance, as mentioned previously, emergency contraception was the main theme for 2014 and Medical Specialists® can provide the emergency contraceptive pill Levonelle 1500, which if taken within three days (72 hours) of unprotected sex, will usually prevent pregnancy. However, women will need to speak to their doctor for more information about taking it within five days (120 hours) of having unprotected sex.
As everybody should know, failing to use a condom during sex – especially with new partners – can result in an unwanted pregnancy and risk contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Testing for the most common STI chlamydia is normally advised on a yearly basis, or for sexually active people upon meeting a new partner. Screening for the disease is often implanted through primary care (general practices and pharmacies), community sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services (including termination of pregnancy services) and GUM clinics.
Alternatively, Medically Specialists® provide Clamelle chlamydia test kit for just £24.85 which can be used in the privacy and comfort of your own home to prevent an embarrassing visit to the GP or GUM clinic and there is no need to take any time off work.
People wishing to support Sexual Health Week can receive a campaign pack by sending a stamped, addressed A4 envelope to the value of £1.26 to: FPA Campaigns Team, 23-28 Penn Street, London N1 5DL.
In addition, for further information about sexual health you can go to Medical Specialists® website and contact our pharmacist by email, or visit the FPA website for more information about sexual health and services.
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