However now, scientists in America are claiming that they are in the development stages of formulating a gel for men that can be applied topically as a method of contraception. The gel is said to contain the male hormone testosterone and a synthetic progestin named ‘nesterone’. The two have been tested in the past, but only by injection, a pill form, or via an implant. In addition, these previous tests resulted in such adverse side effects such as effecting cholesterol levels and outbreaks of acne.
Preliminary tests indicated that the gel managed to keep sperm concentration to less than one million sperm per millilitre within 89% of the men involved in the study and who were given the combination of the testosterone and nesterone. The researchers say that this level is low enough to possibly avoid pregnancy with ‘minimal side effects’. This is compared to only 23% of the participants who saw similar effects after only receiving testosterone. It is though that typical sperm concentration is 15 million per every millilitre.
Dr Christina Wang from the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbour-UCLA Medical Center, led the study and commented on the findings at the Endocrine Society’s 94th Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, “Up until now, the responsibility for contraception has traditionally always been with the female. With these new contraceptive methods for males, the responsibility will be shared.”
However, men should bear in mind that the gel is still in the early stages of production and its success rates of preventing pregnancy will be much lower that condoms, which boast a 98% effectiveness, and also thefemale birth control pill is an incredible 99% effective. Dr Wang also added that the treatment ‘warrants further study as a male contraceptive.”
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