Although you probably wouldn’t realise it from the rainy and gloomy weather we are currently experiencing, we are still officially within the summer season in the UK. Because of this typical miserable British weather, many young adults will be travelling abroad to warmer climates this month and to destinations where it does actually feel like ‘summer!’
With this in mind, the Dr Fox website decided to offer an online questionnaire to women, to understand more about their thinking when it came to holiday romances and ‘how far’ they are prepared to go with the opposite sex whilst on their jolly’s.
In total, there were around 2,000 women who decided to fill out the questionnaire on the website founded by Dr Tony Steele. The poll determined that approximately every one in five women who are going on holiday this summer will be willingly engaging in unprotected sex.
The statistic worried Dr Steele, who voiced his fears about the alarming results, saying, “It’s concerning that many women are not practising safe sex. What is more concerning is that people are actually planning on having sex without a condom whilst on holiday. People you meet on holiday are complete strangers so you know virtually nothing about them – having sex without contraception is a sure fire way of increasing your chances of contracting an STI. Whether on home soil or thousands of miles away women whether they are 18 or 55 need to be practicing safe sex and using condoms.”
However, there were plenty of other concerning results to come from the study, such as:
. 13% of women in their 30s plan to have sex without a condom on their holiday.
. 18% of single women said they are simply sometimes too drunk to use contraception.
. 8% just do not like using condoms.
. 10% of women over the age of 30 are embarrassed to raise the subject of contraception with a new partner.
. Interestingly, women aged between 30 to 40-years-old were more likely to be infected by a sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea, and most likely to take the morning after pill.
. Women aged over 30 admit they get worse at using contraception, such as Dianette.
Overall, the majority of women surveyed (regardless of age), were in agreement that the responsibility of contraception is one that should be equally shared amongst both genders. Luckily, Medical Specialists Pharmacy caters for both males and females in regards to contraception and we can help you drastically reduce your chances of catching an STI, or an unwanted pregnancy.
For men we have a wide range of condoms such as the highly popular Durex Performax Intense. This particular condom benefits both partners. It contains a lubricant – benzocaine 5%, which will prolong his climax, whilst the outside of the condom is ribbed and dotted to heighten her orgasm. On top of this we have a huge range of different condoms in our expanding chemist shop such as Durex Play Vibrations, which can be used in conjunction with a condom to add to the pleasure!
For women, Medical Specialists offer the contraceptive pill Dianette, which works out costing just £9.99 per month. Dianette prevents unwanted pregnancy in three ways: by preventing an egg being released from your ovaries; by making the fluid (mucus) in your cervix thicker, which makes it more difficult for sperm to enter the womb; and by preventing the lining of your womb thickening enough for an egg to grow in it. Not only is Dianette a contraceptive, it can also be taken by women for combating acne, hirsutism and for the treatment of female hair loss.
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