In fact if you are one of the many frustrated women around the World who is suffering from Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD), today could be your lucky day! Medical Specialists Pharmacy are pleased to be the bearer of good news for the estimated 5 – 10% of women who suffer from this underestimated condition, and thus never experience any type of orgasm through any kind of sexual activity. The condition is also known as ‘anorgasmia’ and is defined by the American Psychological Association’s diagnostic manual as: “Persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal excitement phase.”
The new female drug in development is a testosterone gel named ‘Tefina’ that gets absorbed into the body via a droplet-sized dose sprayed into the nose. Although the absorption would take merely minutes, it could then be several hours before the effects kick-in for the woman so this delay would have to be considered, and Tefina would not be ideal for any spur-of-the-moment love making.
Without even taking into account the thousands of male patients that Medical Specialists have helped with erectile dysfunction problems, Viagra is estimated to generate around a staggering $2 billion annually in the U.S. alone as the reluctance to seek help is finally being banished. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to predict that Tefina could be a huge hit too and generate lots of money.
Australian researchers based at Melbourne’s Monash University are now attempting to recruit approximately 100 female volunteers between the ages of 18 and 49 so they can begin trials of the drug.
Dr. Fiona Jane of Melbourne’s Monash University, spoke out on the need for such a treatment for women. She said: “Female sexual dysfunction is a real thing and we think up to 43 percent of women suffer some form of sexual dysfunction. A lot of people have thought that drumming up the idea of a female ‘Viagra’ is just for pharmaceutical companies. In fact, there is a huge need for women to have their sexual dysfunction addressed.”
Clinical trials are now set to begin in Australia, Canada and the U.S., supported by Trimel Biopharma, who is developing the drug. The spray would be strictly only be available on prescription but it could be another three to five years unfortunately before it becomes available in pharmacies. In the meantime keep checking the Medical Specialists website to stay updated on this and other similar products that may become available in the near future.
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