The researchers in the study created an online questionnaire to quiz people about monogamy and if anybody involved in an open relationship actually practiced safe sex. They received over 1,500 replies and 801 people said they have had sex with somebody besides their partner. Of the 801 people, 493 said that this was because of an agreed open relationship. Interestingly, cheats were shown to have used condoms for vaginal and anal sex roughly 27% and 35% less respectively than those in open relationships. Alcohol and drug usage was shown at 64% more in the former group too, which may play some part in their deceptive actions.
Dr Terri Conley is a researcher who was involved in the study, and commented on its findings, “Our research suggests that people who are unfaithful to their monogamous romantic partners pose a greater risk for STIs than those who actively negotiate non-monogamy in their relationship. Monogamy can be an effective method for preventing the spread of STIs, but only if couples test negative for STIs at the start of the relationship and remain faithful while they are together. If people do not find monogamy appealing or feasible, they clearly need to think about the risk this poses to their partner and consider whether an open relationship would suit their needs better, and better protect their relationship partners.’
Of course this study was purely targeted at adults, and Medical Specialists Pharmacy have reported previously how many adults are now careless in regards to their sexual health. However, it now seems the younger generation are falling victim to STIs too, especially those in the poorest areas in England. Figures have been released following an NHS survey last year discovered that 27% of girls were having sex before legally old enough to do so. Latest statistics show over 30,000 teens aged between 13 to 17, were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in 2011. These included things such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia and genital warts. Of this total, 5,973 live in poor areas and 2,116 were from wealthier places of the country. It was found that 78% of the 30,000 were girls.
This trend of more STIs prevalent in deprived areas appears to have been developing since 2009. Over the last three years, the number of cases per 100,000 teens aged 13 to 17 has jumped up from 881 to 903, and the figures in comparison for teenagers in wealthier areas has merely increased from 310 to 312 in the same time period.
Overall it seems that people of all ages are not taking enough steps to protect their health, and are displaying a truly alarming approach to sex and their risk of catching an infection. At Medical Specialists Pharmacy we cannot stress enough the massive importance of looking after yourself in this aspect and you should act now to prevent yourself catching an STI, or if you have diagnosed with something, receive the treatment you need to manage your symptoms. If you want to make sure you are OK, there are numerous sexual health clinics you can go to and they can usually provide you with results within one week. We have recently added many more products to our website and now offer a chlamydia Clamelle test kit, which you take in the privacy of your own home and post directly to the laboratory for analysis. You can get your result sent to you in the post and this service is a confidential and convenient way to test and treat for chlamydia.
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