For example, alarmingly, some people genuinely believe absurd things like having sex in certain positions (i.e. standing up) can prevent the woman falling pregnant, or that a female can’t get pregnant the first time she has sex, or that somehow if she jumps up and down after sex then she will not fall pregnant. All are complete myths.
And joining these on the shocking list of useless contraception ideas is the fact that it appears many couples in Britain are dabbling in their own do-it-yourself methods of contraception, using household items as makeshift condoms. Cling film, latex gloves and sandwich bags are some of the things being used as condoms, found a new study.
German pharmaceutical giant Bayer Healthcare carried out a survey of 1,500 British women aged 25-34, finding that despite endless government initiatives on sexual health, despite pharmacies like ourselves providing the pill, a morning after pill and a variety of condoms, numerous worrying myths still exist in regards to family planning.
In fact, a quarter of the women that participated in the study were fully aware of couples trying the aforementioned DIY methods, but there were other findings to cause alarm.
A tenth thought women can’t fall pregnant during a period, with 17% admitting to relying on the withdrawal method on occasions.
However, many health experts believe that even with ‘pulling out’, is it possible that pre-ejaculate may collect enough sperm still in the urethra from a previous ejaculation to result in a pregnancy. The pulling out method also relies on a huge deal of trust from the woman and self-control from the man, and the latter is risky if the man suffers with premature ejaculation. Moreover, let’s not forget that without using a condom and simply pulling out will still leave both parties at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection like chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, HIV, and more.
With so many women relying on this withdrawal method, it is no surprise to learn that 30% of the women in the study confessed to having to resort to taking a morning after pill.
It seems better communication on the part of GPs is required after only 58% of women said their doctor had explored all avenues of contraception with them.
Contraceptive pills such as Yasmin and Dianette were by far the most popular choices of contraception, with 48% choosing the pill as their regular contraception method. Meanwhile, nearly a third of those surveyed were not aware of the existence of a hormonal implant and 27% did not know there was a contraceptive injection available.
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